Blueprint for Hume’s future almost finalised

A plan encapsulating the hopes and dreams of the people of Hume has been created by the council and is circulating for final feedback.

Hume Horizons 2040 is our community’s vision for the future,” mayor Casey Nunn said.

“It’s ambitious and strategic, and has been strongly influenced by a shared commitment to social justice and sustainability.”

Council organisation and community learning director Kylie Ezzy said Hume’s initial community plan had been compiled in 2004 and was at that stage one of the first such strategic visions undertaken by a municipality.

“The community is changing and growing so quickly; this new plan includes all the statistics on where Hume is growing and how,” Ms Ezzy said.

She said Hume Horizons 2040 presented more than a year of feedback from public forums and consultation sessions, “butcher’s paper” comments left on graffiti boards and feedback collated through the council’s global learning centres and libraries.

More than 4500 comments were collected from people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds, ranging from residential and business sectors to other key stakeholders in municipal affairs.

The council will produce a summary of the plan in a number of languages, and residents and stakeholders are being urged to obtain a copy and send in their feedback by April 22.

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