Green thumb challenge across northern suburbs

Urban farming, as it’s called in the US, has gone feral downunder – with vegie gardening now one of the learning basics taught at primary schools, and even preschools, throughout the city.

And Melbourne’s north is no exception. Both Hume and Whittlesea councils support active gardening and grow-your-own food groups and schools programs.

Sunbury recently launched a food swap, to be held on the last Saturday every month at the town’s community garden.

Mill Park’s rostered playgroups co-ordinator Joanna Oostermeyer is busy building raised garden beds before the end of this term, with the worm farm already in action and recycling now firmly entrenched.

This year’s Yates Junior Landcare winter vegie challenge is the first time the focus has been on winter vegetables.

Entrants are being asked to describe their growing journey and to engage online by uploading photos and sharing their experiences.

Participants have until April 4 to register and then receive a free packet of seeds, choosing from five winter vegetables.
