Kinders welcomed, but origins of funding spark spat

A stoush between state and federal MPs over who funded five new Whittlesea kindergartens has failed to take the shine off local celebrations.

New kindergarten rooms were opened last Thursday in Mernda, South Morang, Mill Park and Epping, delivering on a joint federal and state government commitment to provide 15 hours of free kindergarten to all children.

The only problem with the announcement, according to Federal Labor’s Scullin MP Andrew Giles, was that the $3.5 million investment slated as being a joint Napthine government-Whittlesea council venture was monies given by the former Gillard government.

State Liberal MP Craig Ondarchie and Whittlesea mayor Mary Lalios launched the new buildings at Mill Park Lakes Preschool. But in a letter to the editor, Mr Giles said the money was provided by the former Gillard government in partnership with the council.

“Not a single dollar from the Napthine state government was contributed,” Mr Giles said.

Unable to confirm who gave what, the Weekly can say the funding has provided extra rooms for three early years learning places, Epping Preschool in Epping, and The Heights Kindergarten and Blossom Park Kindergarten in Mill Park.

It will ensure children can have 15 hours of kindergarten a week before they start school and provide another 33 places at Mernda Village Kindergarten, South Morang Preschool, Mill Park Lakes Preschool, Epping Preschool, The Heights Kindergarten and Blossom Park Kindergarten. Mernda Village Kindergarten director Jenni Van said the extra placements were desperately needed.

Cr Lalios said modular buildings would be moved to meet demand in growth suburbs once more permanent facilities were built.

“Our work doesn’t end here. With more than 8000 people making Whittlesea home each year, we need to think about building more kindergarten rooms,” she said.

Suburbs in line for extra rooms are Doreen, Mernda, Epping North and Whittlesea.