Fun factor turned up for Roxburgh Park shoppers

Three enterprising mums have teamed up under the banner of Northern Community Markets to bring the sights, smells and sounds of an open-air market to Roxburgh Park shopping centre over summer.

And the next event on Friday will be the icing on the cake for Sarah Sankari, Dalal Ozdemir and Naz Zengin.

Local star of X Factor fame Omar Dean, placed sixth during the 2013 season, launched an instant hit, Runaway Love.

He will bring his performance back home as part of the free movie, music and twilight market event, starting at 7pm.

At 8.30pm, the Disney movie Frozen will screen outdoors following Dean’s show on the grass area next to Somerton Road.

As well as market stalls, there will be giveaways and prizes, carnival rides and a DJ. Roxburgh Park shopping centre has a special promotion for the market running in stores this week: for every $100 spent in stores other than supermarkets, customers will receive an outdoor chair to bring along to Friday’s twilight concert and movie night.