YOUR VOICE: November 13-19

Broadmeadows station: Safety comes first, say commuters (Weekly online)

The station is filthy, unsafe, a disgrace. A station you’d expect in  a Third World country, really. As for the PSOs, they flee as soon as there’s any trouble.


It is pretty disgusting. Very disgusting.


Re: Councillors cashed up as watchdog report slams practice (Weekly online)

The councillor discretionary funds (CDFs) are just the tip of the iceberg. The problem is that councillors are more concerned with buying votes than getting actual value for money and, in most instances, they’re doing it legally!

“Slams practice” simply means they are free to continue.

Newspapers need to take the lead when it comes to local government’s accountability.

It starts by asking tougher questions (like how the wider community benefits from particular spending or junkets), naming and shaming individuals who rort the system and not blindly publishing “media releases” without some interrogation.

Start informing the community about how these people are spending ratepayers’ money rather than publishing useless statistics that give no specifics on where our money is actually going.


Sunbury decides: Vote spawns uncertainty about shire’s future(Weekly, November 5)

I must say I am disappointed with Sunbury residents.

Jeez, the perception is that they are snobbish and exclusive … Sunbury, the home of the two-bob snob. I used to live in London. The London borough of Haringey has places such as Highgate and Muswell Hill, among the richest wards in the country. To the east is Tottenham, among the poorest in the UK, and I have never heard Highgate or Muswell Hill complaining about Tottenham residents and wanting to secede.

Sunbury residents need to have a good look at themselves.

Craigieburn and Broadmeadows residents are just as important. 

I hope Sunbury shire crashes and burns.