Buddhism in the cyber age at Yuroke

How Buddhism fits in to the 21st century world of the internet, global communication and travel is the theme of this year’s spring festival at Yuroke’s Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre.

The theme for the November 9-10 weekend recognises that each religious and philosophical tradition contributes to the global culture of the here and now.

Tibetan Buddhist Society director Anthony Joseph, who will be the main speaker at the Ceremony for World Peace at noon on the Saturday, said ideals of compassion, tolerance, patience and altruism were not just about being “nice”.

“They are guiding us to be well adapted for this inter-connected world,” he said.

“We need to be living our lives with intelligence and inquiry in order to progress.

“The idea of one’s own wellbeing, and the role of the body, mind and emotion to that wellbeing, requires paying attention to the present.

“Stress and tension are reduced and the psychology and physiology benefit.”

Over the weekend, teachers from various traditions of Buddhism such as Tibetan, Vietnamese and Japanese will introduce methods to develop lasting states of happiness.

Everyone is welcome to join the Ceremony for World Peace, which will be held in the magnificent traditional Tibetan temple.

The festival will also feature a market with giftwares from around the world. Children’s craft activities and storytimes will be held both days and a photographic exhibition will show the culture of pre-1959 Tibet along with portraits of exiled Tibetan communities in India.

Entry: $5; families $10. Temple tours: $5. All proceeds support the temple.

The centre is at 1425 Mickleham Road, Yuroke (access from Cookes Road). 

» tibetanbuddhistsociety.org or call 9333 1770