Campbellfield bin company told to clean up by EPA

A Campbellfield company faces more than $7000 in fines and a clean-up order from the Environment Protection Authority.

EPA officers carried out inspections at Monash Bin Hire and Demolition on Northbourne Road a week after Hume council issued a warning to the company about burning off.

A spokeswoman for the EPA said the company did not have a permit to burn industrial waste, which it found had been burnt in two skips on the site.

An analysis by the EPA found charred timber remains and the presence of copper, chromium and arsenic, toxic chemicals commonly used as wood preservatives that present significant risks if not disposed of properly.

When the Weekly contacted the company, a man who identified himself only as Adam denied there were two skips of waste set alight, claiming it was “a couple of young blokes” lighting a fire in a small drum to stay warm. This was rejected by the EPA spokeswoman.



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