UGLY folk raise the bar for Leukaemia Foundation

Ron Keech and a small team at the Whittlesea Hotel are pitching in to support a novel fund-raising campaign.

Almost 300 bartenders are competing across the state to be crowned the U.G.L.Y. Bartender of the Year in a bid to raise more than $300,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation’s accommodation services.

U.G.L.Y. stands for Understanding, Generous, Likeable You.

Mr Keech has been wearing an ‘I’m U.G.L.Y. – I need help!’ T-shirt to raise awareness and funds. “Mine and my partner’s fathers died of cancer; that’s why we’re keen to get involved,” Mr Keech said.

He has been encouraging customers to put their tips into a bucket on the bar.

“We’re throwing a few ideas around. We may be doing a Buck Hunter fund-raiser down the line and make it an all-ages event so kids and their families can come.” The campaign supports regional Australians with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders.

Leukaemia Foundation’s Victorian general manager Stephanie Hechenberger said the impact of blood cancer could be greater on those living in regional and rural Australia.

“In acute cases, treatment begins within 24 hours. It means leaving work, school and family and relocating to the city,” she said.

“Accommodation is one of the Leukaemia Foundation’s most practical services. It is provided free of charge for as long as it’s needed to help reduce the financial burden on regional families.

Every $80 raised by a bartender gives a family a place to call home for one night.”

The campaign runs until November 25. 

» To donate to Ron Keech, go to