Big V: Craigieburn reappoints coaches

Craigieburn has reappointed both its senior coaches for next year’s Big V Basketball season.

Dennis McNamara will again lead the men in division 1 while Simon Leibelt has been returned to coach the women’s division 1 team.

Laura James will coach Craigieburn’s youth league women, but the club still has a vacancy for its youth league men.

The Eagles had players named in all-star fives at the Big V awards night at the weekend.

Tennille Cann (guard) and Nicole McMahon (centre) made the division 1 women’s team, while Rebecca Hassall was named as a guard in the women’s youth league 1 team.

Two Hume City Broncos players made the women’s state championship all-star five: Sharin Milner (guard) and Yinka Olorunnife (centre).