A stitch in time
In Journeys in Cloth and Stitch, the intricate layering of cloth, thread and mixed media hints at Jan Lowe’s background in water colours and reveals a lifelong love of the coast and inland of southeast Australia. The exhibition features a combination of textures, colours and shapes that inspires storytelling with wool, paper, paint and found objects. Lowe is a member of the Surface Design Association. Runs until Sunday, July 7, at Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, 7-27 Snake Gully Drive, Bundoora. Open 11am-4pm, Wednesday to Friday, and noon-5pm, weekends. Free. Details: call 9496 1060 or visit bundoorahomestead.com.
Big band jazzes it up
The Australian Army Band’s Melbourne Big Band is a talented ensemble that will captivate even the most seasoned jazz listeners. The band performs an array of music that ranges from the classic dance music of the 1930s and ‘40s, including Glenn Miller, Count Basie and Tommy Dorsey, through to modern jazz arrangements by Bob Mintzer, Mark Taylor, Dave Wolpe, Tim Davis and Gordon Goodwin. On Wednesday, June 26, at 11am. Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre, 35 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang. Tickets $14. Details: visit pracc.com.au.
Carers pick up tips
A workshop presented by Anglicare will teach parents, children’s carers and early years educators how to support young children who have experienced trauma. The session will cover trauma and its impact on children, discussions on effective approaches and practical activities to support young children. On Thursday, June 20, 6.30pm-8.30pm at Shop MM9, 1st Floor, Westfield Plenty Valley, 415 McDonalds Road, Mill Park. Free. Details: call 9404 8865.
Learning curve
At a workshop designed to help children with learning difficulties, children’s carers, parents and early years educators will learn how to uncover a person’s innate potential by identifying underlying causes and implementing multi-sensory programs developed from worldwide research. Facilitated by Margaret Harly, an education specialist and therapist, the session will cover how adults and students suffer stress because of learning difficulties. On Thursday, June 20, 6.30pm-8.30pm, at Riverside Community Activity Centre, 8 Doreen Rogen Way, South Morang. Cost $30. Details: call 0408 554 283.
Change of perspective
Join SeaChange actor and author Alice Garner in a lively discussion about the many new and interesting people who join our community from around the world. The session, called Marketplace of Ideas: Read for Social Peace, will cover what social peace is, what you can do for social peace, and how to support your community. Challenge your thinking and help create a plan for a peaceful future on Thursday, June 20, 10am-noon, at Thomastown Library, 52 Main Street, Thomastown. Free. Details: call 9464 1864.