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Tag: live streaming

Youngest Whittlesea mayor ready for the role

North ward councillor Emilia Lisa Sterjova has been elected as Whittlesea’s youngest ever mayor. Cr Sterjova was elected to the top job on November 7–...

Whittlesea council rules out live streaming until at least 2020

Live streaming of Whittlesea council meetings has been ruled out until December, 2020, at the earliest. Whittlesea council began investigating the possibility of streaming council...

Plug pulled on live streaming of Whittlesea council meetings

Whittlesea residents won’t be watching live streams of council meetings any time soon, with councillors backing away from the idea following almost two years...

Whittlesea council pulls plug on live streaming

Whittlesea council has pulled the plug on plans to live stream its meetings. The council invited Channel 31 to record two council meetings earlier this...

Whittlesea council to trial meeting live stream

Whittlesea council is set to trial the live streaming of its council meetings. The council will conduct a two meeting trial later this year to...


Carlton Football Club honours Ben Bachmann

In a touching tribute, the Carlton football club will play tonight’s AFL game against the Hawks in honour of 14-year-old Ben Bachmann who tragically...