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Tag: federal election

Craigieburn voters fined for parking on nature strip

Several people casting their federal election vote at Craigieburn’s early voting centre were fined by Hume council for parking on a nature strip. Frustrated voters...

Labor pledges $500,000 to investigate Wollert rail link

A rail line to Wollert could become a reality if Labor wins Saturday’s federal election. Labor’s Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development spokesman Anthony Albanese...

Liberal candidate forced to resign over criticism of alleged rape victim

By Adam Carey/ The Age   A Liberal candidate has resigned after criticising a woman who said her husband had raped her, saying the husband was...

Northern mayors plead for federal roads cash splash

Funding for a northern roads package is urgent, according to the mayors of Whittlesea, Hume and Mitchell. In the lead-up to the federal election the...

Roads top Hume council federal election wish list

The duplication of Mickleham and Somerton roads, construction of the Bulla Bypass and redevelopment of Broadmeadows train station have been named as priority projects...

Proposed boundary change splits McEwen

More than 24,000 Craigieburn residents will vote in a different electorate at the next federal election under proposed changes to seat boundaries. Craigieburn is presently...

ALP pledges $2 million to Sunbury learning centre

Plans for a high-tech global learning centre (GLC) in Sunbury have been given a major lift, with deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek and McEwen...

Candidates urged to back infrastructure fund

Federal election candidates for McEwen are being urged to commit to a national infrastructure fund to help ‘‘future proof’’ outer suburbs such as Sunbury...


Community mourns the loss of young player Ben Bachmann

The Greenvale Football Club community is in mourning following the tragic passing of young footballer Ben Bachmann. The 14-year-old suffered a medical episode at training,...