Roxburgh Park fast-tracks women’s footy

Roxburgh Park has fast-tracked plans for a senior women’s football team after the success of its youth girls’ team.

The Magpies fielded a girls’ team in the Essendon District Football League’s youth girls’ competition for the first time this season and were thrilled with the response from players.

Club president Ron McGill said they had 23 girls play for the youth girls’ side in the first year, which had exceeded expectations.

The Magpies finished 10th on the ladder, with three wins.

“They enjoyed playing football this year, and a lot of the girls had brothers already playing football at the club,” McGill said.

“It’s a growing market, which is

being pushed heavily across the state.”

With many of the this year’s team ineligible to play in the youth girls’ competition, the natural progression was to start a women’s side. “It has come quicker than expected,” McGill said of the women’s team. “We have a few girls who are too old, so we’ve going ahead with a women’s side.

“We have already got 10 girls signed up for the senior team next season.”

The over-18s side is likely to play in the west division in its first season.

McGill said the club was now looking for more players and a coach for the women’s team.

“We are looking for anyone who wants to put their hands up. A bit of a football background is helpful.

“We are looking to start preseason at the end of November. The quicker we can get a coach, the better.”

The Magpies’ youth girls’ program is set to expand with that of the EDFL growing. The competition will have three age groups next year – under-12s, under-15s and under-18s – with the Magpies looking to field sides in all three age groups.

“We want to have teams across the board,” McGill said. “We are looking for players at the moment to fill all those teams.

“Being divided into three age groups will help provide pathways.”

Kristy Di

ckson will coach the under-18 team again after her reappointment.

On the men’s side of things, McGill said the club was looking at being in the mix again.

“Paul [Derrick] has been reappointed as coach,” McGill said.“We start training on November 16 and, at this stage, it doesn’t look like we have lost anyone.

“We are hoping to have a couple of players coming on board to add to the squad.”

McGill said that the top four in its best and fairest award were under 20 years of age, a good sign for the club.

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