Bowls Victoria metropolitan pennant: Bundoora RSL falls off the pace

Bundoora RSL is losing touch with the top four after defeat by Clayton in Bowls Victoria Pennant on Saturday.

RSL started well, with a win to its first rink and a tie for its second but lost its last two rinks to lose 91-83 in shots and 15-3 on points.

RSL is still fifth on the ladder but is now 20 points behind fourth place after seven rounds in premier division.

RSL’s second team had a heartbreaking loss, going down by one shot against Croydon in division 1, section 1.

The two teams split the rinks but Croydon took home 14 points to four after the 90-89 shots victory.

Whittlesea also had a close match against Brighton (2).

The rinks were split 2-2, but Whittlesea earned the 10 points for the 90-87 shot win.

RSL (2) is third on the ladder after seven rounds, with Whittlesea eighth.

In division 1, section 2, Lalor (2) took all 18 points against Essendon (2).

Lalor (2) won 94-73 shots and took all four rinks.

It’s the third win of the season for Lalor (2).

Lalor (1) lost to St Kilda in division 1, section 3. St Kilda was dominant all day, winning 108-56 on shots and 18-0 on points.