Youth council spruiks bitter truth about vapes


By Lara Prust

Whittlesea’s youth council is stepping up to address the increasing use of vaping among young people aged 12-25.

Alarmed by the increasing number of their peers turning to vaping, the youth council wants to raise awareness about the dangerous chemicals and toxins found in vapes.

A recent VicHealth study detailed that the ingredients of e-cigarettes are unknown by two thirds of young people.

Using the TikTok lolly salad trend, the youth council explained how vapes contain over 200 toxic chemicals, some of which can also be found in harmful substances such as bug spray, paint thinner and biofuels, which are known causes of cancer.

Nicotine – found in most vapes – commonly results in addiction and can have detrimental effects on memory, attention and learning. These effects are additionally compounded by the fact that a majority of users’ brains are still in the process of developing.

Youth council mayor Zachary said the bitter truth is that while vapes might taste sweet, it’s important to get the facts,

“The rise in vaping among young people is very worrying. We’ve seen more and more of our friends and peers start vaping, and we’re taking action to ensure they understand the hidden chemicals in them,” Zachary said.

“This is about protecting our health now and in the future. Our message is clear, get the facts, be informed and make smart choices about your health.”

Youth council deputy mayor Kaynat emphasised the importance of raising awareness among young people about the risks of vaping.

“Vaping may seem harmless, but the hidden dangers are real. Don’t let the flavours fool you. Protect your health, know the risks, and choose a future free from dependence. Our reels are created to support and empower young people by providing the knowledge they need to make informed choices. Vaping isn’t the answer; together, we can rise about it.”

The videos can be accessed via the youth council’s Instagram page: @CityofWhittleseaYouth.