Workshops for girls and non-binary tweens

Scienceworks Museum, Spotswood. Grace and Lottie. (Damjan Janevski) 416336_06

Scienceworks is set to host weekend workshops, each themed around an extraordinary superpower, to inspire future women in STEM.

These workshops are created specifically for girls and non-binary tweens.

Research shows that 10-12 is a crucial age when many young girls drop out of STEM subjects and interests, and it’s vital to keep interest high with engaging and safe spaces.

On September 7, at Curiosity is a Superpower, children can learn all about design and innovation in astronomy and space.

Attendees will get to experience the wonder of the Melbourne Planetarium, chat with a STEM expert, and participate in a design challenge to create a place for humans to live on the Moon.

On October 5, at Kindness is a Superpower workshop, attendees will hear from an invertebrate researcher about biodiversity and the value of being kind to the environment and spend some time thinking about the future in the Think Ahead exhibition.

On October 26, at Calmness is a Superpower, children can learn ways to calm their minds while clarifying their STEM skills.

During the workshop, participants will be delighted by a Planetarium show, chat with an expert scientist and participate in STEM activities that are good for a healthy mind, including movement, mindfulness and making.

On November 16, Strength is a Superpower, a half-day STEM workshop, will allow children to uncover nature’s hidden strengths. This class features hands-on physics and engineering challenges and will explore the requirements of strong materials and how clever engineering can make difficult tasks easier.

Details at: