Whittlesea to celebrate National Tree Day


Whittlesea council is running a range of free events to celebrate National Tree Day.

Hosted at the Tambo Conservation Reserve in Whittlesea, the event will feature tree and shrub planting as well as interactive activities, marshmallow toasting and lots of information to learn more about the local biodiversity and waterways.

The Snake Hunter will also be there, with a snake and reptile display, where people can get up close and personal with a range of animals.

Chair administrator Lydia Wilson said Whittlesea’s National Tree Day event is a wonderful opportunity for locals to get out in nature and help plant some extra greenery in our conservation reserve.

“We know trees play an important role in creating a sustainable environment for the future and help us combat the effects of climate change,” Ms Wilson said.

“We have planted over 1,000 trees over the last two months and events such as this help us continue to increase green cover across our municipality.”

The event will be held on Sunday, July 30, from 10am-2pm.

A sausage sizzle and coffee van will also be available on the day. Those attending are encouraged to bring a raincoat, sturdy footwear and a reusable cup.