For 15-year-old Dante Sofa, writing and performing poetry is therapeutic.
The Whittlesea resident has been putting his emotions and life experiences down on paper since he was 11 years old, after becoming involved with not-for-profit performing arts company, Outer Urban Projects.
The company works with young people in the northern suburbs, helping them gain experience in performing.
Dante initially visited Outer Urban Projects to check out its dancing program, but quickly discovered a talent for rapping and beat boxing.
Since then, he has performed at the Melbourne’s Writers Festival, Grand Divisions and was featured on Radio National’s Arts and Books program.
Dante said he loved writing and performing.
“It lets me get all my emotions out and express myself,” he said. “Meeting new people on stage is the best thing.”
Dante attends weekly writing and rapping workshops at Outer Urban Projects each Monday and is preparing to take to the stage again next month, as part of Poetic Licence.
The performance will see Dante take to the stage alongside singers, writers and rappers who are many years older than him.
Poetic Licence is at FortyFive Downstairs, 45 Flinders Lanes, Melbourne, from June 20-24.
Details: outerurbanprojects.org