Whittlesea set for Youth Hub


Harper Sercombe

The state government has announced that Whittlesea will be home to a new youth hub.

Council will receive funding through the youth hubs grant program for a feasibility study to determine the location, infrastructure requirements and services which will best support local young people in the region.

The hub will be a community led initiative with council and the government inviting young people to participate in an information session about the project.

Whittlesea council chair administrator Lydia Wilson said she is “thrilled” for young people in the area.

“These safe spaces will enable them to forge connections, explore possibilities and thrive,” she said.

Youth Minister Natalie Suleyman said it is important young people have a say on the issues that impact them.

“Funding for this feasibility study will ensure a youth perspective is showcased throughout the development of this project,” she said.

The grant program is funded under the government’s five-year youth strategy ‘our promise, your future’ to upgrade or develop youth hubs in outer metropolitan Melbourne.

The information session will be held at 5pm on Friday, June 23.

To register for the event visit- trybooking.com/CJAZL.