Whittlesea school stepping up for Steptember

Principal Brendan White with Cooper. Picture: Supplied.

Two students at Diamond Valley Special Development School are proving to be an inspiration to teachers and staff at the school’s Whittlesea campus.

The students, Audrey and Cooper, have Cerebral Palsy and have motivated staff to sign up for Steptember.

The event asks participants to take 10,000 steps each day for 28 days during September to raise money to help people with Cerebral Palsy.

The campus’ Steptember team comprises principal Brendan White, teacher Kristie Gatanios and educational support staff Lauren Stephens and Monique Naylor.

The team, which is called Sole Survivor, is aiming to raise $500.

Ms Stephens said Audrey and Cooper had inspired the school to get behind the cause.

“I have been fortunate enough to work with both students and have witnessed their enormous strength and determination within their development. It is people like Audrey and Cooper who motivate me to partake in charity events,” she said.

“Working in a special developmental school, I see first-hand the effectiveness therapy-based programs and equipment has on those living with Cerebral Palsy.”

To donate, visit: www.steptember.com.au