Whittlesea pooches ready for Million Paws Walk

Lukas, Sarah, Blake, Josh and Colin Thomson with their pugalier, Amber. Picture: Joe Mastroianni.

Epping’s Thomson family and their pugalier, Amber are gearing up for the biggest event on the canine calendar: the RSPCA’S Million Paws Walk.

Sarah and Colin, and their children Joshua, 17, Blake, 15, and Lucas, 13, have signed up to take part in Whittlesea’s Million Paws Walk, which will be held at Yan Yean Reservoir on Sunday, May 21.

The walk is the RSPCA’s biggest annual fundraising event, with more than 25,000 people and their four-legged friends expected to take part at one of 18 events across Victoria.

RSPCA Victoria chief executive Liz Walker said every dollar raised would go towards RSPCA programs, adoptions, veterinary services, campaigns and rehabilitating animals seized by inspectors.

She said the animal welfare group cared for more than 23,000 animals each year.

The walk is open to people of all ages and all dogs, regardless of their age, size or breed.

The Whittlesea walk will be held at 10am.

Details: millionpawswalk.com.au