Wait for Broadmeadows Health Service revamp almost over

General manager Belinda Scott and operations manager Zoe Devenish with patients Bob and Carmen. Picture: Shawn Smits.

More Northern Health patients will be able to receive treatment close to home, with a $17.3 million upgrade of the Broadmeadows Health Service nearing completion.

The upgrade, which began in September, is expected to be completed next month.

As part of the works, two theatres have been added to the Johnstone Street health service, allowing Northern Health to increase its surgical services.

The upgrade also includes expanded pharmacy and radiology services and improved pathology collection services.

Broadmeadows Health Service general manager Belinda Scott said a new waiting lounge had also been installed in the dialysis unit, providing patients who visit the unit with a welcoming space.

Patient Bob Langsford uses the unit three times a week and said the new waiting lounge had made his visits more comfortable.

“Where we have once sat in the corridor that got crowded at times, we now have a comfortable, homey environment,” he said.

Ms Scott said staff had been working closely with patients over the past eight months to ensure there was little disruption to services.

“This expansion will help us better manage surgical patients of higher acuity, increase the range and complexity of surgical procedures performed at Broadmeadows and assist more residents in Melbourne’s north to receive surgery locally and in a timely manner,” she said.