Volunteers needed for Old Blokes Sheds

Victor Gemayel and Armas Etelaaho. Picture: Damjan Janevski.

Volunteers are needed to help Northern Health’s Old Blokes Sheds at Broadmeadows and Bundoora to get back on track.

The sheds – at the Broadmeadows Health Service (BHS) and Bundoora Extended Care Centre – provide older men who are patients or clients of the health service with a place to meet and mingle.

BHS general manager Belinda Scott said the shed allowed the men to enjoy activities in an informal environment that is more like a home than a hospital, but in recent years the shed’s popularity has dwindled.

“The Old Blokes Shed at Broadmeadows Health Service has served the community well and we would love to see it restored to its former level of activity,” Ms Scott said.

“We are looking for men that are interested in assisting patients in activities such as painting and woodwork.”

At Bundoora, the shed has been open for seven years and remains popular with patients looking to complete their rehab or take part in social activities.

Bundoora Extended Care Centre general manager Robina Bradley is keen to see the shed grow. She said sessions at the shed were designed to restore or maintain a patient’s ability to perform tasks used in daily living, as well as social activities.

To volunteer, email volunteer@nh.org.au or call 8345 5837.