Video clue to trail of destruction

Police have released footage that might help identify two men believed to have damaged more than 30 cars in South Morang and Epping last month.

Media officer Amelia Penhall said police believe two men travelling in a light coloured sedan used an iron bar to damage cars between 1am and 4am on Wednesday, January 13.

“Police believe that a man seated in the rear passenger side of the car leant out of the rear passenger window and damaged cars using an iron bar,” she said.

The pair inflicted damage to cars parked in Alain Avenue, Darius Terrace, Elysee Avenue, Gordons Road, Jardier Terrace, Lamour Avenue and Trinity Way in South Morang.

In Epping cars were struck in Broadleaf Drive, Edgars Road, Findon Road, Longwood Drive, Lyndarun Drive and Maserati Drive.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.