Vandals force Whittlesea Ranges off the pitch


Anne Parisianne

Vandals have left Whittlesea Ranges Football Club unable to use its home ground at Harvest Home Reserve.

The club was forced to cancel its matches on June 9 and expects to be unable to use the stadium for a number of weeks after vandals opened control boxes for the reserve’s light towers and pulled out all the wiring.

Club members arrived at the ground on the morning of June 9 to discover the stadium had no power.

Executive board member Sergio Costanzo said the club had to cancel the weekend’s scheduled matches.

He said the incident was the latest in a number of vandalism acts at the club.

In previous instances, vandals targeted specific areas, but this time, the damage was extensive, affecting the entire building, he said.

Mr Costanzo said he doesn’t know how long the club will be unable to use the stadium, but based on past experiences, the club anticipates a month-long repair period.

“You can imagine how we’re feeling, very, very disappointed,” he said.

Mr Costanzo said he hoped Whittlesea council will help improve security at the stadium by installing protective cages around the control boxes and securing the car park to prevent unauthorised vehicle access.

Whittlesea council acting chief executive Debbie Wood said council was working with its electrical contractors to repair the damage as quickly as possible.

“We will also work with key stakeholders of Harvest Home Recreation Reserve to identify ways to further reduce the risk of future vandalism at the reserve,” Ms Wood said.

A police spokesperson said confirmed the incident was under investigation.

“It is understood unknown offenders attended outside a stadium on Harvest Home Road between 4.45am and 5.40am and forced entry to multiple electrical boxes,” the spokesperson said.

“Officers believe the offenders stole copper wiring from inside the boxes.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has a dashcam or CCTV footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit