Upgrades have been completed at Riverside Community Activity Centre and Reserve

Mill Park MP Lily D’Ambrosio and Whittlesea chief executive Craig Lloyd cut a ribbon to officially open the upgraded Riverside Community Activity Centre and Reserve in South Morang. (supplied)

Whittlesea residents will reap the benefits of a $1 million upgrade to the Riverside Community Activity Centre and Reserve in South Morang, which has been designed to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

The project, funded by a $500,000 contribution from council and a matching $500,000 grant from the state government’s Growing Suburbs Fund, was split into two stages.

The first stage included the refurbishment of the community activity centre, including the creation of an additional meeting room for use by people, groups and organisations.

The works also featured the expansion of centre’s foyer, installation of a kitchenette and improved acoustics in the community hall to assist those with hearing difficulties.

Access to the external accessible toilet was improved and the centre’s cladding and heating, ventilation and cooling systems were upgraded.

The installation of electric cooktops, ovens and hot water systems throughout the building continued council’s shift away from gas appliances as it moves towards net zero emissions.

The project’s second stage – the Riverside Reserve upgrade – included the installation of a new barbecue, public furniture, drinking fountain and bike racks.

Residents will be able to access the playground more easily after improvements to the timber ramp and the refurbished shelters will add to users’ comfort and convenience.

Other works included installation of a concrete path, new precinct maps and signage and landscaping.

Council chief executive Craig Lloyd said the project was an investment in the community’s health and wellbeing.

“Community activity centres play such an important role in providing vital services to our diverse communities,” he said.

“Ensuring this centre is accessible to people of all ages and abilities means more residents can benefit from those services.

“The Riverside Reserve works build on the major redevelopment undertaken in 2022, which transformed the park into a wonderful place for families to gather.”