Thomastown jobs boost after Orora launches new dairy sacks

Bronwyn Halfpenny, Orora general manager Greg Aidous, former Holden worker Rami Abboushi and Vicki Ward. (Marco De Luca)

By Laura Michell

A Thomastown food packaging company has launched a new manufacturing line, helping secure the jobs of more than 100 workers.

Orora Limited expanded its operations to include a $25 million state-of-the-art dairy sack manufacturing line after receiving a grant from the state government’s Victorian Government’s Business Assistance Program in 2015.

The new manufacturing line will help the company to service global markets and has made the jobs of 102 workers more secure, as well as creating jobs for eight former automotive industry workers.

The project has already helped Orora to generate extra sales and secure new contracts in New Zealand and the US.

Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Employment Vicki Ward and Thomastown MP Bronwyn Halfpenny visited Orora late last month to tour the new manufacturing line.

Ms Ward said the government grant had helped Orora secure its operations in Victoria.

“Companies like Orora bring together the very best of Victorian capability in food and advanced manufacturing, allowing locally grown products to be taken to the world,” she said.

Ms Halfpenny said companies such as Orora were important to the northern suburbs.

“Melbourne’s north is the hub of food innovation and this investment is a great outcome for local industry and jobs,” she said.

“We’ll continue supporting manufacturers in Thomastown – they’re part of our area’s DNA.”