There’s no doubt the average pet owner in Hume is a dog-person.
In the year to June 30, 18,562 pups were registered with Hume council, compared to the 6497 cats recorded.
Jack Russell terriers have triumphed as the city’s most popular dog breed, and the names Bella and Max are the top picks for female and male pooches.
Sunbury resident Julie Monkman adores her eight-year-old Jack Russell, Bella.
“She’s got a lot of personality and she’s such a happy little dog,” Ms Monkman said.
Bella is the Monkman family’s second Jack Russell.
Ms Monkman said she thought the breed was popular because they’re easy to look after and have “a lot of spunk”.
The family got Bella locally, and gave her the name because they thought she was so beautiful – Bella meaning “beautiful” in Italian.
“I know a lot of dogs that are Bellas,” Ms Monkman said. “But I didn’t realise how common the name was at the time.”