The coffee cart making a difference

Alvin Devasi and Andrew Whincup serving coffee. (Damjan Janevski.) 426474_04

A Thomastown coffee cart continues to provide more than place to grab your morning caffeine hit, it is a place making an impact on the community.

The social enterprise coffee cart which is located in Thomastown library is staffed by a team of young people living with disabilities, each one gaining valuable experience and skills through their roles.

This initiative is run by Thomastown Neighbourhood House in partnership with not-for-profit community service organisation, IDV, aiming to provide support and community internships which provides those receiving them with a stepping stone towards future employment.

Chief barista Andy Whincup, who has been working at the cart for seven years, mentors the interns and creates a relaxed atmosphere for them to feel comfortable.

Mr Whincup who has been honoured for his work within the community when he received a Scullin community volunteer award in 2023, said he likes helping others.

“I like to teach people how to make coffee and it helps me to relax by helping others to develop their skills, it’s rewarding,” he said.

Alvin Devasi, one of the workers, said he enjoys the human interaction this service brings.

“It is fun, I like serving the customers,” he said. “It helps me to be focused to concentrate and work on customer service.”

The cart is open Monday to Friday from 9am-noon.