Support available for job seekers

If you’ve been struggling to find work or face major obstacles in your job search, Jobs Victoria Mentors is offering Hume residents invaluable assistance to secure gainful employment.

The program, which operates in six council areas including Hume, assists people to become work-ready, find a job that suits them, and support them in their new job during the first six months of employment.

These mentors work one-on-one with job seekers, developing a deep understanding of the individual’s career goals and aspirations.

They offer a wide range of services, from resume development and interview preparation to job readiness training and finding suitable job matches.

For job seekers who have personal barriers, like transport to attend interviews, the mentors can even assist.

They also provide support for six months post-employment to ensure successful job adaptation.

These mentors are particularly beneficial to individuals who have been unemployed for more than 12 months or are at significant risk of long-term unemployment.

Key qualifying factors include low levels of education or English proficiency, lack of Australian work experience or digital literacy, limited social networks, personal circumstances that further hinder job prospects, or other barriers considered on a case-by-case basis.

Job seekers in Hume can access mentor services through Jesuit Social Services, Whittlesea Community Connections and MAX Solutions. The Jesuit Social Services offers specialist services for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and ex-offenders.
