Stories from within Northern Health

Steve Carnell (supplied)

A new podcast takes a view of behind the scenes at Northern Health.

Earlier this month, Northern Health officially launched its inaugural podcast – Visiting Hours.

During these podcasts, listeners are invited beyond the frontline to learn a little about the lives, work and dreams of the staff who provide care at Northern Health.

The first of these features senior Aboriginal liaison officer Karen Bryant who talks about her connection to country, the importance of family and the impact her team has on the local Aboriginal community.

Northern Health public affairs content producer and host of the podcast is committed to bringing these stories to life.

“Northern Health has so many amazing staff, each with equally amazing stories,” he said “We wanted a way to celebrate them in an engaging and entertaining way which led to ‘Visiting Hours’.

“It’s quite unique, as far as health care podcasts go, leaning in to listen to what drives our staff and what is really on their hearts. You don’t have to dig too deep to see a genuine reflection of the Northern Health values of ‘Safe Kind Together’ come through.”

Podcasts will continue to be released on a fortnightly basis, with upcoming guests including clinical toxicologist,Associate Professor Joe Rotella, hospital without walls director, Professor Don Campbell and clinical leadership, effectiveness director Tracy Webster.