STEM students take world stage

Student Ethan Ajeesh, Faculty Leader of Digital Technologies Joshua McQuade and Gurmaan Singh. (Supplied)

Two groups of St Monica’s College Epping Year 7 students took on the world recently as they competed in the TCS Global Innovator of the Year competition final.

The students won their sections of the TCS Empowers goIT National Competition and then competed in the global final which challenged students to identify a problem related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Students were tasked with thinking of a tech-based solution, designing a prototype digitally and creating a three minute video pitch for their innovative idea.

Year 7 students Gurmaan Singh and Ethan Ajeesh placed second in the event and received an honourable mention for their app Food Support, a social enterprise app for sharing food, preventing food waste in industry, and purchasing food packages for food insecure peoples within the schools LGA.

Year 7 students Neev Chhokar, Zeke Rabuya, Lucas Huynh and Aron Tyrone-Dumesic showcased their app Waterverse which encourages social cleaning of waterways and methods of preventing pollution in water.

More than 40,000 students world-wide competed in this challenge with 76 making it through to the final.

St Monica’s College Epping Principal, Mr Brian Hanley said the win is an amazing achievement by the students to be successful at this international level.

“Their work is recognised as being world standard and we applaud their wonderful result,” he said.

“… Congratulations to all of our students involved in this international event.”

Hannah Hammoud