South Morang’s Abbie Thomas to raise a cuppa for sick kids

Abbie Thomas (Joe Mastroianni).

Each year, Abbie, 12, hosts her Cuppa for Kids event to raise funds for the hospital’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

When she was just four days’ old, Abbie underwent surgery at the hospital to repair a hole in her diaphragm.

The hole meant her organs were wrongly positioned, with her stomach and intestines located in her chest cavity and pushing her heart to the right and compressing her left lung.

She spent 19 days in the NICU following the surgery.

Her mum, Alice, said Abbie held the fundraisers because she wanted to give back to the hospital.

“Abbie has a generous nature,” Alice said. “She would give her last dollar if she knew there was someone out there that needed it more than she did.

“She hosted her first cuppa for kids when she was just six years old. It’s a really nice event where the kids and families come and have something to eat and have a good play around.”

This year’s event will be on Sunday, May 27, at the Briar Hill Community Hall, Mountain View Road, Briar Hill, from 1-3pm.

It will include an auction, face-painting and crafts.
