Sixty years of salvation

Major Jeff Philp from the Mill Park Salvation Army corps. (Damjan Janevski) 404650_01

This May, The Salvation Army in Melbourne’s north are urging the local community to get involved in the Red Shield Appeal, which will raise vital funds to continue supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our region.

Across the country, the Salvos are aiming to raise $38 million for the Red Shield Appeal, which is Australia’s largest and longest-running door-knock appeal. This year marks 60 years of the appeal.

The Salvation Army’s Major Warren Elliot said help is needed, now more than ever.

“Times are tough. We are seeing more people come through our doors every week, new families who have never done it this tough before, and people are feeling the pinch. They are skipping meals, unable to afford utility bills or medication for their kids. This is why we need your support,” he said.

“There is no better way to support your community than through volunteering and we would love to have you as part of our Red Shield Appeal army this year. Grab a mate, some work colleagues or the entire family and join us. We can’t do our work in the community without you.”

Last year, The Salvation Army provided assistance to one person every 17 seconds across Australia, with more than 1.2 million beds and 1.63 million meals given to people in need.

There are many ways you can get involved – collections in shopping centres or other key locations, door- knocking, online fundraising or organising a collection at your workplace, school or sporting event.

The Red Shield Appeal weekend is May 25 and 26, but there are many volunteering opportunities throughout the month of May.

All funds raised locally will remain in the local community, allowing the Salvos to meet the specific needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalised residents throughout Melbourne’s north.


Gerald Lynch