Sculpting the story right

Anna Freeman will be passing her wisdom on at Hume Libraries in February and March. (supplied)

An award-winning author is coming to libraries across Hume for a number of workshops, but you might want to leave the little ones at home.

Anne Freeman is appearing at Hume libraries throughout February and March to run her ‘Stories with Spice: Bypass the Cringe and Bring the Smoulder writers’ workshop.

Ms Freeman writes adult novels and she said they key is to keep the writing process simple.

‘My reputation for writing great sex scenes wasn’t something I consciously cultivated,” she said. “I simply set out to write the type of sex scene I wanted to read.

“Something tasteful that bypasses the cringe-inducing cliches to bring the sizzle without being crass.

“My style has really resonated with readers so when I was asked to create a workshop to help other writers tackle this challenging element, I jumped at the chance.”

These free one-hour workshops are a spirited exploration of what makes a successful spicy scene and how to craft one using an increased understanding of your ideal reader and the fundamentals of good writing.

The three workshops are at the Sunbury library on Wednesday, February 14, from 6.30-7.30pm, the Tullamarine library, Saturday, February 17, from 10.30am-11.30am, and Craigieburn library, Saturday, March 2, from 11am-noon.


Gerald Lynch