Roxburgh College principal Fernando Ianni a finalist at education excellence awards

Roxburgh College principal Fernando Ianni. Picture: Damjan Janevski.

Roxburgh College principal Fernando Ianni is passionate about helping disadvantaged students make the most of their education.

The school has students from migrant and refugee backgrounds, some of whom have limited English skills, face family struggles or experienced war in their home countries.

Mr Ianni believes their futures shouldn’t be determined by the disadvantages they face.

To help students, Mr Ianni has introduced initiatives at the school such as refugee support groups and vocational programs for disengaged students.

His dedication to his students has been recognised by the Victorian Education and Training Department, with Mr Ianni named a finalist in the education excellence awards.

Mr Ianni is one of three principals in the running to win the outstanding secondary principal award.

Mr Ianni, who started his teaching career in 1981, has been principal at Roxburgh College for nine years.

He said teaching “came out of left-field” for him.

“I was studying to be an accountant and did some work experience and started to realise this was what I wanted to do,” he said.

“I get a buzz when I am able to help a young person. I have seen kids at risk of not completing school, complete school and go on to good things.”

The award winners will be announced on October 28.