Whittlesea council is inviting the community to honour the remarkable contributions of refugees and celebrate their journey towards freedom and new beginnings.
This year’s refugee week, celebrated annually from June 16-22, is themed ‘Finding freedom: family,’ emphasising the crucial role of family and community bonds in supporting refugees.
The event will feature multicultural performances, art, dancing and entertainment aimed at fostering unity and raising awareness about the challenges faced by people from refugee backgrounds.
Chair administrator Lydia Wilson said she acknowledged the strength and resilience of individuals from refugee backgrounds and the cultural enrichment they bring.
“Refugee week is an important time for us to come together and celebrate the rich culture that refugees bring. We want to thank our refugee community for their invaluable contributions that strengthen our society,” Ms Wilson said.
“We are proud to offer a safe and welcoming space for those who have chosen the City of Whittlesea as their home.”
People from refugee backgrounds come from around the world to find freedom.
This freedom means living without fear of war or persecution and having fundamental human rights.
Anwar, a refugee from Iraq and now a Whittlesea resident, shares what freedom means to her.
“Freedom to me means when I have the right to live where I like, wear what I like, do what I want, go where I want. I have this freedom in Australia,” Anwar said.
Whittlesea council offers programs to support people from refugee backgrounds in practicing English, learning to swim, improving digital literacy and celebrating cultural dates of significance like ‘refugee week.’ The council aims to create a connected community where everyone feels safe, respected and valued.
The ‘let’s celebrate finding freedom’ event will be held on Thursday, June 20, from 9.45am to 1.30pm at the Civic Centre in Ferres Boulevard, South Morang.
Everyone is invited to join and stand in solidarity with the refugee community.
Details whittlesea.vic.gov.au/refugeeweek