Ray White Craigieburn to continue online auctions

Ray White Craigieburn sales consultant Trish Orrico during an online auction. (Supplied)

Michaela Meade

Ray White Craigieburn will continue to offer online inspections and auctions, to allow participation regardless of vaccination status and avoid “discriminating”.

Current COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria require people going to auctions or inspections of properties to be fully vaccinated against the virus.

Ray White Craigieburn sales consultant Trish Orrico said the company has decided to continue offering an online option to allow all buyers to participate in the market.

Ms Orrico said the agency has received “overwhelming support” from buyers and vendors about the move.

“Our job is to create as much buyer competition for our vendors and not eliminate buyers based on vaccination status,” Ms Orrico said.

“We have received phone calls from the general public thanking us for not discriminating against peoples medical conditions/choices.

“It’s been a challenging time for many, and buying/selling a home is in itself an emotional rollercoaster ride, so why would we want to add to this by telling even one buyer they can’t come to an auction?”

Ms Orrico said the process of conducting online auctions is completely unique, and unable to be replicated in a physical environment.

“We conduct online auctions on a Thursday night where we have five to 10 properties available,” she said.

“If a buyer missed out on one they can start bidding on the next one.

“This is not something that can be done with on street auctions purely because of logistics.”