Rate arrears still soaring

(Mikhail Nilov via Pexels)

Elsie Lange

Hume council is owed $22.56 million in unpaid rate debts as of June this year, up $2.3 million compared to the same time in 2021.

At a meeting on August 22, a report to council revealed general rates were responsible for the majority of arrears, with $21.28 million owing.

As of June this year, 49.4 per cent of arrears, or $11.15 million, was old debt, while 50.6 per cent, or $11.41 million, is new debt – relating to rates raised in 2021-22.

Craigieburn ($4.97 million), Sunbury ($2.7 million), Greenvale ($2.5 million), Roxburgh Park ($2 million) and Campbellfield ($1.65 million) had the highest total arrears as of June 30.

According to the documents, of “significant impact” were 4276 COVID-19 payment arrangement applications received between April 2020 and June 2022.

Of those arrangements, 1160 are still active – of which 52 were previously with council’s debt collection agency – and 3116 have been paid in full.

The top five suburbs with ongoing COVID-arrangements are Craigieburn (329), Mickleham (148), Sunbury (143), Greenvale (125) and Roxburgh Park (115).

Visual heat maps in the report show areas in the central and northern parts of Hume is where most of the debt is outstanding.

Hume deputy mayor Sam Misho urged residents with rate debts to organise a payment arrangement, as council had recommenced collecting interest on outstanding rates on July 1 this year.

“It is a high interest rate, it is actually 10 per cent, it’s almost double the cash rate now,” Cr Misho said.

“However, if anybody engages in a payment arrangement, interest will not apply – so everyone that has a debt needs to get in touch with council, organise a payment arrangement, pay your debt and you will not be charged any interest.

“And I’m sure council will actually look at those applications with a passionate view.”