Promoting Victoria with new visitor information tools

Victoria's tourism industry is set for a big boost.

Victoria’s tourism industry is set for a boost with a new grant program to develop innovative ways to encourage people to stay longer and experience the best of our state.

While speaking at the Destination Victoria 2023 conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Wednesday, May 17, Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister Steve Dimopoulos announced the new $3 million Visitor Servicing Program will open on May 22.

Grants of up to $625,000 will be available to Regional Tourism Boards, local councils and other tourism organisations to develop innovative tools and ideas that allow visitors to easily book and plan visits, access information and connect with our state’s best experiences.

Projects could include improved booking and reservation platforms, online itinerary builders, AI information kiosks or local ambassador programs.

Grants of up to $50,000 are also available for Regional Tourism Boards and local councils to support strategy development and a coordinated approach to the delivery of new tools for each region.

By providing high-quality, personalised and timely information on what to see and do around Victoria, the program aims to encourage visitors to spend more and stay longer.

It will also set up the tourism industry for success ahead of the Commonwealth Games in 2026, helping visitors plan ahead and create the trip of a lifetime in regional Victoria.

As part of the program, the Victoria Tourism Industry Council will work with local councils and industry to deliver high quality information to visitors across the state.

Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister Steve Dimopoulos said the state government is backing the tourism industry to come up with innovative ways to encourage visitors to stay a little longer and spend a little more in Victoria.

“Every visitor that we get to stay longer means more money in local businesses and that helps to support jobs right across our state,” he said.

“By delivering exceptional visitor information, we can encourage travellers to become strong ambassadors for the state and attract more people to Victoria and encourage them to revisit.”

Applications will open at 10am on Monday, May 22.
