Prescription’s up after 44 years of service

Plenty of well deserved rest ahead for Northern Health's Kathryn Brett. (Supplied)

Gerald Lynch

Northern Health’s Kathryn Brett has hung up the scrubs after 44 years as a pharmacist.

Ms Brett’s career began at PANCH (the former Preston and Northcote Community Hospital) in 1979 at a clinical pharmacy setting across the wards and the intensive care unit.

Most recently, she has worked in the pharmacy dispensary and the outpatients area at Northern Hospital, Epping.

Ms Brett has seen so much change in her time in the industry, but says the basics of pharmacy has never changed.

“When I first started, we all wore white starch coats and we had manual typewriters. If you made a mistake, you had to start again,” she said.

“We also had reference books, big books and paper journals for our references. So, in that sense, technology has changed enormously. A lot has developed throughout the years and today we have many new positions around the hospital for pharmacists in specialised areas, which is fantastic.”

Ms Brett leaves Northern Health feeling well pleased with what she accomplished and contributed across her long career.

“We’re a good team and we always try to go the extra mile to help people. Our job is often unseen, unheralded, but I think we do an important role and I’m extremely proud of that,” Ms Brett said.

Northern Health pharmacy director Vinod Chellaram, congratulated Ms Brett on her long-standing career.

“Countless generations of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have benefited from your teaching and guidance. You will be deeply missed, but your legacy will continue to inspire us all.”