Plenty Valley FM celebrates 25 years on air

DJs Brett and Holly Ditchfield. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

Plenty Valley FM president Jeff Cullen said the station marked a quarter of a century of continuous broadcasting with a trip down memory lane.

“This is an achievement we are very proud of,” he said. “We’ve been able to engage with our communities through the passion and commitment of our volunteers and staff.”

The station, 88.6FM, is the local designated emergency broadcaster for fire, floods and other emergencies, and relies on about 100 members, 60 on-air volunteers and two paid part-time staff members to perform the vital role.

Mr Cullen estimates between 150,000 and 200,000 listeners tune in to the station locally, and as many as 300,000 all up, including those who stream online.

He described a typical PVFM listener as someone who is passionate about their community with broad tastes in music.

“Our audiences tune in because they don’t want too much chatter, and enjoy real people with authentic voices who are a part of the community they broadcast in,” he said.

Epping resident Peter Maw has been presenting at the station since its inception in 1990, describing himself as a broadcast “tragic.”

“You meet a whole heap of people you otherwise wouldn’t meet,” the retiree and Friday afternoon presenter said.

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