Pieces of Teena

Teena Moffatt. (Ljubica Vrankovic)

Hume-based Yorta Yorta, Gunaikurnai, Gunditjmara artist Teena Moffatt has created an art exhibition named ‘Pieces of Me’ at the Hume Global Learning Centre in Craigieburn.

‘Pieces of Me’ explores themes of identity, family and home inspired by Moffatt’s ancestral stories and presented in a variety of traditional and contemporary media.

From possum skin burrai (baby carriers) adorned with ochre, to traditional woven baskets and totem stories depicted as visual elliptical narratives on canvas.

She said her art enables her to communicate, connect and share her knowledge across generations, mixing the old with the new.

Moffatt said that her work is guided from a deep place of her dreaming.

“My art connects my past, present and future,” she said.

“In honour of my grandmothers and grandfathers, my family and my bloodlines, to ensure my children feel a strong connection to their people and traditional ways.”

‘Pieces of Me’ was launched in the lead up to NAIDOC Week and will be showing until Sunday, August 27.

Harper Sercombe