Palliative care gardens reopens with support from Northern Health foundation

Opening of the area (supplied)

Epping’s Northern Hospital has been able to reopen the outdoor courtyard in the palliative care unit last month as a result of contributions from its patrons.

With the sun shining overhead, patrons and special guests joined members of Northern Health Foundation board, management, staff and patients for a special afternoon tea to officially reopen the gardens after the space received an extensive makeover.

The Northern Health engineering and maintenance teams worked over the past months to complete the project in time for the launch. The project included some structural works and the installation of undercover family entertainment areas, complete with outdoor sofas and dining table.

The entertainment area, which was contributed by patron Josie Minniti and her fundraising network, provides a comfortable space for patients to gather with their loved ones, share meals

together, or commemorate special occasions.

“It was important for me to bring my family and supporters to see the difference our fundraising

makes to Northern Health. It has been such a worthwhile project to be involved in,” Mrs Minniti said

In ‘Kilmore Corner,’ named in recognition of the contribution of patron Bev Carman and her fundraising efforts in the Kilmore community, stands a water feature surrounded by lush plants and decorative wall features. The space provides a tranquil, respite area for patients and family members wanting some quiet, reflective time.

Ms Carman said she was overjoyed and emotional seeing her contribution come to life.

“It’s very rewarding to see the finished result and know that it will bring joy to patients in the palliative care unit,” Ms Carman said .

The rest of the gardens were funded through a financial grant from Dry July Foundation, after staff gathered to fundraise for the cause in 2022.

Ms Pina Di Donato, executive director of public affairs and foundation at Northern Health, was

thrilled with the outcome.

“It was a privilege to be involved in such a special project alongside foundation patrons and Northern Health colleagues. I take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in creating this beautiful space for our patients and their families,” Ms Di Donato said.