Online conference for Cleanaway’s waste-to-energy proposal


The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria has announced a second online community conference to discuss Cleanaway Operations’ development licence application to build a waste-to-energy plant in Wollert.

The conference, which will include presentations from Cleanaway representatives, independent experts and EPA officials, aims to provide a platform for community members to engage directly with the proponents and regulatory authorities about the project’s potential environmental and health impacts.

Cleanaway, one of Australia’s largest waste management companies, proposes converting non-recyclable waste into energy, thereby reducing landfill reliance and generating renewable energy.

The project has sparked significant interest within the local community, prompting the EPA to add this additional session to ensure thorough community consultation and transparency.

Head of EPA permissioning Angela Grozos said, “Kirrip Community Centre is the largest available venue in the Wollert area and due to very high interest from the community, we have now reached the centre’s legal capacity”.

“Going with a second, online meeting greatly increases our ability to hear from more community members,” she said.

The upcoming session will allow EPA Victoria to actively listen to and gain a better understanding of the views and concerns of the community and stakeholders.

The EPA will also explain the assessment process and current status, and discuss ideas about possible conditions if the development licence is issued.

The authority encourages all interested residents to participate in the conference to voice their opinions and gain a comprehensive understanding of the project’s implications.

The second community conference is scheduled online on Tuesday, 25 June.

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