Official fire season called early

Epping CFA officer Phil Creek and Whittlesea’s fire prevention officer David Foster. (Shawn Smits)

Hot weather and below average rainfall in October has prompted the Country Fire Authority to start the fire danger period earlier this year.

Fire restrictions were declared on Monday for the six local councils that make up the CFA’s north west region, including Whittlesea and Hume.

The Bureau of Meteorology recorded last month as the seventh-driest October on record. A prolonged heatwave at the beginning of the month set early season temperature records, with 13 BOM weather stations in Victoria observing the warmest October days on record.

CFA District 14 operations manager Trevor Roberts said the CFA would take a zero tolerance approach to any fires caused by negligent behaviour this season.

“Out of control burn-offs and unregistered burn-offs have been a major headache for brigades,” he said.

RELATED CONTENT: CFA Warnings and Restrictions

“Even if you have a permit to use fire over the fire danger period, make sure you read the conditions carefully. Failing to follow just one of those conditions can still leave you open to prosecution.”

Whittlesea municipal fire prevention officer David Foster said council staff were in the process of assessing properties to make sure grass and scrub had been cut and cleared. He said notices had been issued to owners who needed to act, giving them 16 days to comply.

“Some people only visit their vacant blocks once or twice a year, and that’s just not good enough,” Mr Foster said.

He said prolonged dry spells have killed off almost 80 per cent of grass in the area and despite recent heavy rains: “It’s very dry underneath”.

A written permit is required to burn off grass, undergrowth, weeds or other vegetation. Lighting a fire in the open without a permit is an offence and can incur a penalty of more than $18,000 or 12 months imprisonment, or both.

Information is at or call 1800 240 667.

Register burn-offs on the VicFire Burn-off notification line: 1800 668 511.