The Northern Health Foundation is on a mission to raise $50,000 to help chemotherapy patients.
The Epping hospital is hoping its 2017 oncology appeal will raise what’s needed to buy a scalp-cooling machine for use in the day oncology department.
The machine combats hair loss brought on by chemotherapy treatments.
The appeal was launched with the help of Melbourne Victory players recently during celebrations to mark 10 years of oncology services at Northern Health.
Northern Health chief executive Siva Sivarajah said Northern Health’s oncology service had started in 2007 with a team of three nurses.
It has since grown to a team of 13 people across two sites, delivering treatments, as well as diagnosing and assessing those affected by cancer.
Mr Sivarajah said the number of patients cared for by the oncology service has grown from 2571 people in 2008 to 6343 people last year.
“Cancer is something that we hear about every day and has a profound impact on so many members of our community,” he said.
“Northern Health’s dedicated oncology team of doctors, nurses and support staff continues to work across a number of disciplines to improve the lives of patients and their families during their journey.”