Nominations soon to be open for council


Nominations open on Monday, September 9 for candidates to participate in the upcoming Hume council election.

Candidates are being advised to use the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC’s) new candidate helper to prepare their applications.

Electoral Commissioner Sven Bluemmel, said there are a few steps to undergo before you can submit your application.

“If you want to represent your local community, make sure to confirm your eligibility and complete the mandatory online candidate training through Local Government Victoria before lodging your nomination. This rule applies to all candidates, including those who are currently or have previously been a councillor,” he said.

The tool will assist in pre-filling their nomination forms before submitting them at your nomination appointment.

For candidates to submit their nomination forms in person at the election office, they have to call the candidate helpline on 03 8620 1316 between Tuesday August 20 and Monday September 9 to create a booking to submit their nomination forms at their respective branch.

They will also have to pay the $250 in person whilst proving that they have satisfactorily completed the mandatory online training.

After September 9, candidates will have to call 131 832 and they will be directed through to the relevant election office.

Nominations close at 12 on September 17 and late nominations will not be accepted.
