New toilets for Doreen

Yan Yean MP Lauren Kathage Whittlesea chief executive Craig Lloyd outside the new toilet. (Supplied)

Works on a new public toilet block in Doreen are now underway,

Visitors to the Laurimar Town Centre will soon be able to stay and shop longer, with the new public amenity block set to provide shoppers with somewhere to freshen up.

Yan Yean MP Lauren Kathage joined local representatives including Whittlesea chief executive Craig Lloyd and community members to officially launch the works.

The much-needed project was a 2022 election commitment backed by $200,000 from the state government’s Living Local Fund

Whittlesea council has also contributed $200,000 to the project.

The project will include the installation of a fully automated and accessible single cubicle public toilet, as well as landscaping of pathways surrounding the amenity block.

Ms Kathage said Doreen is a vibrant, growing community and Laurimar Town Centre is its beating heart for social and economic activity.

“This amenities block will encourage more people to stay longer and enjoy the best of our local traders,” she said.

“I know how much these toilets will mean to the community. From mums with kids who are suddenly busting, to people with a disability who avoid the shops.”

Mr Lloyd said the new facility, walkway and accessible parking bay would give people, including parents with young children, older residents and those with disabilities, greater confidence to visit the precinct.

“It’s important that people have access to the facilities they need when they’re going about their everyday lives outside the home,” he said.

“As well as the health and social benefits, there will also be an added economic benefit for local businesses, with customers able to spend longer in the area.”