New nature strip guidelines on the cards for Whittlesea

Whittlesea council building. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 329825_01

Whittlesea residents will have more opportunities to modify the nature strips adjacent to their homes, under new guidelines being developed by council.

The draft nature strip garden guidelines aim to provide residents with clarity on what modifications can be made to nature strips, while taking safety into account.

Council said the guidelines aim to strike a balance between greenery and the safety of road users and pedestrians.

Under the proposed changes, residents would be able to plant shrubs and edible crops, while limiting the use of materials that can have a detrimental environmental impact such as artificial turf.

Council said feedback from previous consultations with the community, as well as benchmarking with other councils across Victoria has been used to develop the draft of the new guidelines.

Residents can have their say on the draft guidelines until August 13, via

Feedback will be considered by council before the guidelines are finalised. It is anticipated that the new guidelines will come into effect on October 1.